Third Update Sound add/ Map Expansion/Keys and Doors

Third Update: 

This update added things that were promised in the last Devlog. The main level was expanded, bugs were fixed, sounds were added to items.

  1.  Sounds have been added when you pick up a key, when you lose the level and when you win the level.
  2. Map have been expand. Map has different rooms you can go and victory point it is reachable by keys.
  3. Victory screen is fix and working fully.
  4. Some doors are not lock and can be access by walking through it.

Bug Fix or to be fix list

  1. Lost screen  pop up when you run out of time but menu has broken again. You can click the options if you don't press the Windows key.
  2. Resume game button work but when you resume the game the menu still there (Current fix is pressing ESC again to make it disappear) 
  3. Cursor sometime doesn't disappear or other times just keep being in the game

Future plan for the game:

  1. Finally add an intro to the level.
  2. Keep expanding the game with a second level
  3. Level need more assets to decorate the kitchen and restroom in the level.
  4. Separate keys by colors a assign door colors.

How did I produce the sound and Why?:

The sounds created for the locked doors were created by repeatedly turning a rusty doorknob in my house. I wanted to make sure the player knows they can't get out through there. The door is locked and experiment isolation. 

For the keys I shook my keys around a few times next to the microphone until I got a sound I liked. The idea of this sound is to let the player know they picked up an item associated with the keys. I want them to fill the found something value.

And for the end game song I recorded myself saying game over and created a song trying to imitate the defeat sounds from Mario Galaxy and generic horror games. Using the Soundtrap website. I wanted the player to experience frustration because they ran out of time.


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Sep 19, 2024

Get My "little" Laberinto!

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